February Activities for the Computer Lab

February is a great time in the computer lab to take a deep dive into topics because there are weeks of uninterrupted classes.
How to use this blog post: find the grade level you’re interested in and then read about the activities. Click on any images to go to the product description to learn more about it. You’ll see some activities in multiple grade levels. This either means that differentiation is provided to make the lesson appropriate for multiple grade levels, or it includes multiple grade levels of activities for the tech lab.
Kindergarten Activities for February

In February, kindergarten continues on with the Timely Tech activities. This time working on beginning letter, before and after numbers, number words, and counting by 10s.

To keep their mouse skills sharp, students practice drag and drop with digital Pixel Art. These Valentine’s Day designs are great for the first 2 weeks of February. I have Kindergarten do level 1 so that they don’t need to copy and paste the color pieces.

As a station activity and for early finishers, I use these mouse practice mats for spiral review. These are great for PreK students too if you have them on your schedule.

If your students are working on CVC words in the classroom then consider adding this fun and engaging activity for the week of Valentine’s Day.

First Grade Activities for February

All month in February I have 1st graders working on Timely Tech activities. I usually pick the hundreds chart puzzles, base 10 building, and vowel sorts, but also make the other slides available for review.

It isn’t February themed, but I have first grade students work on digital hundreds charts during this month to take a deep dive into Google Slides or PowerPoint. They really master using the toolbar to fill in each of the 100 cells of the hundreds chart.

For a fun unplugged holiday activity we get out the robots. The classroom teachers love seeing students working on sequencing skills and it integrates a lot of great tech skills too.

Sometimes a good drag and drop review can be just the thing to fit into February to break up the weeks. These shape matching digital secret picture tile puzzles are simple yet effective practice.
Second Grade Activities for February

Timely Tech is the main activity for second grade students this month but I’ll also share some warm up and early finisher activities to use. I have 2nd grade do the Decorate a heart, make new words, ABC order, and Pixel art slides.

Early finishers can do digital pixel art all month. I usually let 2nd graders choose between level 2 or 3 for these activities.

The heart design for Valentine’s Day is definitely simple enough for beginner typers. This makes a great bulletin board when students are finished!

A simple yet effective drag and drop practice activity like this one with February themed pictures is great for sub plans if needed.
Third Grade Activities for February

The February design is a mitten and these text formatting activities really help us to see how students are doing with a variety of skills from keyboarding to following directions. This makes a great lesson for an observation.

All month long 3rd graders can choose digital STEM challenges to complete as early finisher activities. You can decide whether or not to have students do the corresponding journal activities if you want it to be something you can track.

To keep students’ copy and paste skills fresh, we do the Snow Globe digital glyph. Students beg for more of these!
Alternately, try this one instead to do Virtual Valentines:

Fourth Grade Activities for February

Classroom teachers appreciate it when we review math skills in the computer lab. These 5 digital mystery pictures work on tech skills too so I let students choose them all month as early finisher activities.

The main activity for the month is software lessons, even though these aren’t February themed. Week 25 usually lands right around the first week of February, so we just follow the lesson schedule.

Students can also choose digital Pixel Art as their early finisher activity. I have 4th graders do level 4 so it is great keyboard shortcut practice as they have to copy and paste or duplicate each color piece.

Even big kids love a hundreds chart mystery picture. These ones are digital, which makes them great for the tech lab or classroom. It totally changes the skills addressed so students don’t even realize how many tech skills they’re working on for this activity.
Fifth Grade Activities for February

A great warm up activity to use all month is text formatting activities. Students can usually finish one design by the end of 4-5 sessions when it is used as the 10 minutes of typing warm up activity.

February is a great time for a deep dive into software lessons. We follow the weekly guide to work on these lessons for Google Slides or PowerPoint for the month.

I let 5th graders choose any of the slides they want from the Timely Tech set for February as their early finisher activities.

Another great challenge is to have students complete level 2 or 3 of these spreadsheet mystery pictures for Valentine’s Day.

There you have it, activities for grades k-5 for the month of February. Be sure to pin this blog post to get back to later!