Computer Lab Scavenger Hunt Freebie

Start your year off right with this Computer Lab Scavenger Hunt. Getting ready to get your computer lab running? Featuring a fully customizable template, this freebie is the perfect way to help your students learn their way around your computer lab. Just print, distribute and watch the fun begin!

Computer Lab Scavenger Hunt

I thought it might be fun to do a familiar activity (scavenger hunt) as a way to introduce students to the computer lab! Everyone has a slightly different setup, so the table is completely editable and I provided 4 different layout options.

Why Do My Students Need a Computer Scavenger Hunt?

Why spend the first couple of months having your students interrupt your lessons to ask where to find the supplies they need? Having a materials orientation at the beginning of the school year may seem tedious, but it will ultimately save you time and sanity. What’s more, with this scavenger hunt you can make sure your students actually pay attention during it!

Tips for Teachers

  • Laminate one class set of scavenger hunt sheets, then have students use dry erase markers to complete the activity.
  • Rather than having students simply check off if they found an item, try getting them to actually write down a sentence describing the location.
  • If you think things will be too chaotic with each member of the class doing the scavenger hunt at once, you have other options.
    • Split the class into teams.
    • Have students complete the scavenger hunt as a secondary activity after they complete another technology activity. Since students will probably finish at different times, this should stagger their start times for the scavenger hunt.

Free Resource Library

Check out the other freebies in my Free Resource Library for Technology Teachers! This is where you’ll find all of my free downloads, subdivided into two main categories.

Follow the directions for access and enjoy!

Back to School Resources and Activity Bundles

Back to School Checklists for Technology Teachers

The beginning of the year in the computer lab comes with so many tasks that it can be easy to get overwhelmed or forget something important. This set of checklists and to do lists are completely editable and will hopefully help you feel in control of your back to school tasks.

Back to School Computer Lab Orientation Presentation

The beginning of the year in the computer lab comes with so many things to tell students that it can be easy to get overwhelmed or forget something important. This set of computer lab orientation slides are editable and will hopefully help you feel in control of your back to school presentation.

All About Me Laptop for Back to School

Are you looking for the perfect back to school low-prep way to get to know your technology class students? This fun Back to School All About Me laptop is perfect! Just print and color.

Also included is an end of year keepsake for your computer lab students. This fun end of year memory laptop is perfect for technology classes! Give your students the opportunity to remember their school year forever while staying on theme (technology). Guaranteed to keep students engaged!

Tech Skills Back to School Bundle

14 Digital Interactive resources that work on tech skills bundled together to save you money. Your students will need google accounts to use these activities. A shared google account works for the primary grades activities.


You can also check out our other ideas for Back to School Technology Activities to Jumpstart the School Year here! This is a new year, and you are going to be ready for it.

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