4th Grade Technology Lessons and Activities
Would you like to try my K-5 Technology Curriculum for 30 days to see if it is a good fit for your students? Click here and use the code TRYK5TECH1 at checkout to get the first 30 days for just $1!
4th Grade Technology Lessons Scope and Sequence
These are the lesson titles you will find in this resource:
Rules and Procedures
- Lesson 1: Google log and Create a Rules poster
Technology Vocabulary
- Lesson 2: Google log and Vocabulary Review
- Geek Speak Intro: PowerPoint or Google Slides vocabulary template
- Technology Vocabulary Typing
Internet Safety
- Internet Safety Module 5 Weeks
- Security
- Privacy
- Search
- Multitasking (screen time)
- Cyberbullying
- Copyright
Online Research
- How to Read a Webpage
- All About Online Search
- Search Engine Strategies
- Google Search Tips
- Judging Online Information
- Evaluate a Web Page
- Website Evaluation Activity
- Putting Information Together
- Avoiding Plagiarism
- .Copyright and Fair Use
Presentation Software
- Intro to Publisher (research project)
- Google Slides OR PowerPoint
- Working with Tables
- Numbering Slides
- Inserting Videos
Spreadsheet Software
- Google Sheets or Excel
- Color and Highlight Boxes
- Formulas
- Scratch Lessons 1-8
- Make a Web Page
Word Processing and Typing
- Word processing modules 5 Weeks
- Adding hyperlinks
- Page layout
- Columns
- Headers
- Layers
- Color coded typing digital flash cards 2 weeks
BONUS Activities if you have time:
- Digital Breakouts
- Chrome Music Lab Rhythm Experiment
- STEM Challenges (great for back up plans any time of year)
Question: How does student access work?
Answer: With your purchase you get one class account that all students use to access the lesson pages. Think of this website like a textbook but digital. The username and password’s purpose is to give students access to the textbook. Then from there you (the teacher) still facilitate student progress by letting them know which lesson page to go to and you’ll still collect their finished assignments for assessment.
Question: What platform will the students be using? Are they done in google drive? Like an interactive notebook?
Answer: All of the digital content is housed on my website. The lesson plans and rationale pages are for the teacher (and administrators, right?) as PowerPoint files, and the website is set up to just click and go for the students to complete the activities. Think of the PPT files like the teacher manual and the website like the student workbook (but digital). Visit it ahead of time at k5technologycurriculum.com to get an idea how it works. You can find several free pages on the Samples dropdown menu. If/when you purchase access, you will create a class username and password to access the grade level pages included for your purchase.
Question: Do these include Google Apps or MS Office?
Answer: Both! There are lessons to teach excel/sheets, word/docs, and PPT/slides.
You can pick and choose which lessons to do with your students. If you have access to Google Apps but not to MS Office, just skip the MS Office lessons and vice versa.
Question: Can I attach the lessons to Google Classroom?
Answer: Some teachers will choose to use Google Classroom as a way to collect student assignments in order to grade them, but students will still need to go to the website to complete the lesson.
Question: Do I need to buy anything additional software for my students to use this curriculum?
Answer: No! Everything you need is included. There are optional outside subscriptions for some activities. If you want to use the lessons for digital passport from common sense media (4th grade) then you will need to make a free teacher account. There are optional “early finisher” activities like Moby Max and discovery education that could be used if you have an account but there are tons of other options if you don’t.
Question: Do I have to buy all of the grade levels or can I just buy the one(s) I need?
Answer: Individual grade levels can be purchased and if you decide you need more, it is easy to add additional grade levels at any time. Scroll down to see the purchase options.
Ready to subscribe to the 4th grade curriculum for this school year? Click here to check out.
This 4th Grade set of lessons is also part of a larger bundle of K-5 technology lessons. I made a Frequently Asked Questions blog post about it, which you might find very informative.
I also offer a free technology teacher email course. It is 5 parts and walks you though how I do my planning and collect data.
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