Halloween Themed Activities for the Elementary Computer Lab

Halloween Themed Activities for the Elementary Computer Lab

Here are Halloween themed activities to keep your students working on technology skills despite the distractions of the imminent holiday.

We’re going to do a whole series of guides for holiday themed computer lab activities this year. Keep your eye out for more holiday activity posts as the year goes on!

Halloween Tech Skills Activities for All Grades

Hour of Code: Dance Party or Create Your Own Google Logo Grades 2+

These are both very popular activities that your students can easily have a blast creating with a Halloween theme.

Halloween Activities Bundle

I put together a Halloween Activities for the Computer Lab Bundle that has something for everyone, K-5. This includes:

If you would like students to work on technology skills while doing fun Halloween themed activities in the computer lab, this bundle is for you!


Halloween Games to practice Tech Skills on Digipuzzle.net

There are currently 62 games tagged in the Halloween category on digipuzzle.net. The games are a mix of academic content and tech skills, making them perfect practice for our youngest students. I particularly love the Alphabet Mosaics and Zombie typing.

Hour of Code: Design Your Hero Pre-reader – Grade 5

Use real-life heroes and your imagination to design a character who will protect the fuzzFamily. You’ll choose the properties your hero possesses and put their strength to the test against the buggy slimes of Bug World!

Middle Elementary Halloween Activities

Halloween Graphs

Use a program like Sheets to create graphs on topics such as favorite candy or costume. They can gather data for their graphs polling the class with Forms!

Halloween ASCII Art Challenges

Have your students attempt some Halloween images with ASCII. ASCII artwork is created with the symbols and characters that you have available to you on your computer keyboard.

Hour of Code: Monster Maker Grades 2 – 5

Students use drag-and-drop blocks to write their own programs, learn about sequence and ordering, and create fun monster characters.

Upper Elementary Halloween Activities

Halloween Infographic

Have students do research and use a program like Canva to create a Halloween infographic on topics such as Halloween spending trends, green decorating ideas, or common Halloween activities.

Hour of Code: Harry Potter: Learn to Code and Make Magic Grades 2 – 8

Students learn to code and make magic on screen with creative coding challenges inspired by the Wizarding World. Connect code blocks, see the Javascript and learn how to make feathers fly, fireworks fizz and bang, compose music, and more.

Halloween Themed Activities for the Elementary Computer Lab

Bonus! Middle/High School Activity Ideas

Haunted House Escape

A spooky, musical, digital breakout game.

Hour of Code: Disease Epidemic (Python) Grades 9+

This activity is designed to give students their first experience programming. Use the programming language Python to model a disease outbreak and solve the curious case of the glowing nose!

Halloween Themed Activities for the Elementary Computer Lab

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