Hour of Code and Continuing Coding All Year

Yоu’vе ѕееn thе сrаzе fоr lеаrnіng code. But what exactly іѕ coding?

What is Coding?

You’ve seen the craze for learning code.  But what exactly is coding?  Coding is what makes it possible for us to create computer software, apps, and websites. Your browser, your OS, the apps on your phone, Facebook, and this website – they’re all made with code.

Benefits of Learning Coding

Learning to code empowers you to do many things you wouldn’t otherwise be able to do.  These things include hand-crafting your own websites, becoming a career coder or even starting a technology business.  Most importantly, you will be able to understand the technology shaping your world.
You’ve undoubtedly heard or read somewhere that everyone needs to learn coding, right?  Well, people say that for a reason!  Whether you’re looking for a career in the industry, starting a new hobby or just wanting to understand technology, you can benefit from learning coding.

Hour of Code

Yоu’vе ѕееn thе сrаzе fоr lеаrnіng code. But what exactly іѕ coding?

The Hour of Code is a global movement by Computer Science Education Week and Code.org reaching tens of millions of students in 180+ countries through a one-hour introduction to computer science and computer programming.

Hour of Code is a completely free service that provides over 170 different tutorials to explore.  The website targets age groups starting at pre-readers, and up to grade 9+.  The programming language can be as simple as blocks, or as complex as Python and C++, and lessons are available in over 45 languages.  Young people in more than 180 countries have tries One Hour Code.

There are so many activities available on the website, and they’re all free!  The brilliance of this is the opportunity for children and students to discover new interests and talents.  Once the seed is planted, countless doors are opened.  Even the smallest curiosity can grow into a fulfilling career when encouraged.

In exchange for free lessons and inspiration, Hour of Code asks that users spread the word.  Share your experience in #HourOfCode with friends on Twitter and Facebook.  The site also provides email templates to promote the program across schools, workplaces, and communities.  Hour of Code aims to get everyone involved.

Hour of Code challenges readers to spend at least one hour of time trying an activity, then share your experience in some way, so we continue to learn and grow as a community.

Yоu’vе ѕееn thе сrаzе fоr lеаrnіng code. But what exactly іѕ coding?

Click on this image to see and play 8 different free hour of code activities with your students. 

The Hour of Code Impact Study

Below is the result of a survey conducted in early 2017 by Hour of Code team to measure the student impact of an Hour of Code.  The study surveyed students on their attitudes and confidence towards computer science, both before they did and Hour of Code and directly after.
At a high level, after just one Hour of Code:
  • More students reported liking computer science
  • More students reported feeling they are able to learn computer science, and
  • More students reported feeling they are better at computer science than their peers.
These findings were especially true for female students, which is particularly important, given Code.org’s mission to broaden participation in computer science among girls and underrepresented minorities.

How to participate in the Hour of Code?

You can organize an Hour of Code event at your school or in your community – like in an extracurricular club, non-profit or at work.  You can also teach or access the Hour of Code all year-round.  Tutorials will work on browsers, tablets, and smartphones.
These Coding Activities are perfect for your grades 2-5 students. These are fully digital and can be used through Google Slides or PowerPoint. Let your students learn about computer languages in a fun and engaging way. These activities are independent click and go lessons on binary, coding, and problem solving. Perfect for the ISTE standard Computational Thinking. They would even be great for your STEM time in class or your Maker Space during the Hour of Code!
Yоu’vе ѕееn thе сrаzе fоr lеаrnіng code. But what exactly іѕ coding?

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