How to Use Interactive Whiteboards to Enhance Student Learning

Interactive whiteboards have so many ways to help teachers enhance student learning. Clear displays and large, bright tactile elements let you give information and skill practice a whole different form. The use of large-scale touchscreen features combined with projector capabilities make interactive whiteboards an invaluable tool for engaging students.
Educational Activities Using the Touchscreen Feature of Interactive Whiteboards
Almost any activity students can do on a smaller touchscreen such as a tablet is even more fun to do on a giant screen. There are so many educational options out there that are sure to help your students grasp the concepts they are learning. You can also design a background and then add moveable elements in Slides to create your own activities! Here are a few ideas for activity types to get you started:
- Play timed interactive games like pop the balloon or racing games as a station.
- Virtual manipulatives for math, etc.
- Labeling activities.
- Sorting/matching activities.
- Interactive maps.
- Educational puzzles.
- Drawing activities including illustrations, letter/number formation, pictionary, hangman, etc.
Projector-Based Educational Activities
Letting your students see exactly what you want them to as a whole group is an everyday necessity. Remember you can duplicate screen or extend screen! Windows+p will toggle presentation mode to help you change quickly. Here are a few things that become much easier with a big bright projector:
- Demonstrate how-to navigate a website or complete an online task.
- Display assignment instructions.
- Take real-time polls.
- Websites like Kahoot, Quizlet will help your class make formative assessment fun.
- Take a brain break with programs like GoNoodle.
- Game show-style review, with educational Jeopardy, Family Feud or Who Wants to be a Millionaire.
- Provide a backdrop for classroom presentations and act-it-out activities.
- As the grand prize for an academic contest – play a video game on the big screen! A simple HDMI connection will carry sound and video through the projector.
- Display class agendas and station assignments with visuals such as my eye-catching Computer Lab Schedule Cards and Station Rotation Charts.

Interactive Whiteboard Lesson Plan Libraries
There are a wide variety of libraries to source pre-made lessons for interactive whiteboards. Most of these libraries are by teachers, for teachers… and therefore have been field-tested in the classroom!
Our Favorite Interactive Whiteboards
With all these ideas in your toolkit, you may be ready to pitch interactive whiteboards to your admin. But which one to choose? Here are the top whiteboards recommended by our Facebook Community:
Keep in mind that many of these devices can be set up to be portable. Interactive whiteboards can be moved around your space as needed or even shared between classrooms.
Interactive whiteboards not in the budget for your class yet? Classroom Screen is an online whiteboard that offers many of the same features as a full-fledged interactive whiteboard, available with a much more manageable price tag.
Interactive whiteboards have the potential to enhance your teaching through a variety of methods. Which one will your class try next?