Best 20 Tips from Teachers for Teaching from Home

I have been blown away by the advice being shared by teachers who are already figuring out how to do distance learning. A lot of the same advice is given over and over so I've compiled it into one concise list.

I have been blown away by the advice being shared by teachers who are already figuring out how to do distance learning. A lot of the same advice is given over and over so I’ve compiled it into one concise list. 

20 Tips for Teachers Teaching from Home for the First Time

  1. Keep it simple and consistent. 
  2. Be engaging and interactive. 
  3. Set office hours and stick to them. Close your laptop after hours.
  4. Create a routine.
  5. When recording videos, sit with the wall behind you.
  6. Teach in small chunks. Spread a lesson over days.
  7. Make a guide for the entire week on one page or in one place.
  8. Be patient. Accept the learning curve. 
  9. Document everything.
  10. Call you homeroom students once a week.
  11. Make time for yourself to disconnect and unplug.
  12. Teach procedures first before you get into new content.
  13. Lots of coffee. Pace yourself.
  14. Good humor is essential.
  15. Don’t expect perfection. Expect mistakes. 
  16. Cut way back on the pace of learning.
  17. Be flexible.
  18. Keep things in perspective. 
  19. Don’t compare yourself with other teachers. 
  20. Utilize tools that are free right now. 
Take your work email OFF your phone.

What would you add to the list? What advice do you have for teachers new to teaching virtually? If you are one of those teachers, what questions do you have?

Looking for guidance and distance learning strategies? Check out this blog post for Tips

Want to connect with like-minded teachers? Join the Technology Teacher Tribe on Facebook. 

I have been blown away by the advice being shared by teachers who are already figuring out how to do distance learning. A lot of the same advice is given over and over so I've compiled it into one concise list.

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