7 New Technology Activities to Try Next Week
I am always on the hunt for cool new technology activities to try with my students. These are the 7 that I found this week.
1.Fantastic Contraption – problem solving game with progressively harder levels
2.Interactive Pattern Blocks – perfect practice for the 4th grade common core math standards
3.Base 10 Math Game – click and drag the tens and ones onto the mat to make the right numbers
4.Rhythm from Chrome Music Lab – fun and simple game to integrate music into technology
5.Smarty Games – mouse, keyboard, and navigating the computer practice for k/1
6.Alphabear – make words out of the letters on the screen in a fun and engaging game
7.Beats Project from Made with Code – simple yet educational coding practice for any age
I posted about all of these with pictures and videos on my Facebook Page. My plan is to find a new digital tool to post each day and then write a weekly roundup type post like this with all of the links in one place. Be sure to let me know on my Facebook page if you try the games and what you think of them. You can also post on my page timeline any games you find that you think I might like to check out.
As I find these activities I am adding them to my technology lesson plans and activities, which already have hundreds of great technology resources.