• Multimedia Booklet


    Introduce a lesson on Software with this eBook that teaches about different types of multimedia and how we use them. Share the PDF with students for a paperless experience or print the nonfiction text out as a booklet.

  • File Sizes Booklet


    Introduce a lesson on Software with this eBook that teaches about file sizes, how we name them, and how we use them. Share the PDF with students for a paperless experience or print the nonfiction text out as a booklet.

  • Sale!

    Software Programs Discussion Prompts Printable Cards

    Original price was: $6.50.Current price is: $3.25.
    Encourage students to explore software programs with this set of 24 discussion prompts. These printable cards are perfect for sparking meaningful conversations about how software works, the different types of software, and how we use them in everyday life. Ideal for the computer lab or classroom!
    What’s Included:
    • 24 printable discussion prompt cards (4 pages with 6 cards per page).
    • Each card features an open-ended question designed to get students thinking critically about software programs, from how they’re used to why they’re important.
    • 3-page guide on how to use discussion prompts effectively with students.
    • Printable PDF format, ready to print, cut, and use for engaging class discussions.
  • Digital Tools and Apps Task Cards


    Empower your students to become confident digital creators with this set of 24 Digital Tools & Apps Task Cards! Perfect for elementary and middle grade students, this activity introduces learners to essential software and applications, helping them build foundational digital skills. Each task card guides students through the basic functions of commonly used tools, such as word processors, presentation software, digital painting apps, and spreadsheets.

  • Muscles and Bones Guided Research Project


    Teachers looking to integrate technology skills and content areas with love this review of PowerPoint/Google Slides skills for students with the topic of Muscles and Bones. While this is a simple research project, the real goal of this activity is for students to put their notes into a Presentation template (using either Google Slides or PowerPoint) and make it look professional.

  • Biomes and Ecosystems Guided Research Project


    Teachers looking to integrate technology skills and content areas with love this review of PowerPoint/Google Slides skills for students with the topic of Biomes and Ecosystem. While this is a simple research project, the real goal of this activity is for students to put their notes into a Presentation template (using either Google Slides or PowerPoint) and make it look professional.

  • 1st Grade Software Lessons Weeks 13-24 | Computer Lab


    Spiral Review technology lessons for 1st grade that teach presentation, word processing, and spreadsheet software over 12 sessions.

    Save 10% with the set

  • 2nd Grade Software Lessons Weeks 25-36 | Computer Lab


    Spiral Review technology lessons that teach presentation, word processing, and spreadsheet software over 12 sessions. These will make a great addition to your technology curriculum for the computer lab. The skills build on each other throughout this unit so it is important to do the lessons in order. Weeks 25-36 are all on the topic of the Teeth and Dental Health so students can take a deep dive into the content and the tech skills.

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  • 3rd Grade Software Lessons Weeks 13-24 | Computer Lab


    Spiral Review technology lessons that teach presentation, word processing, and spreadsheet software over 12 sessions. These will make a great addition to your technology curriculum for the computer lab. The skills build on each other throughout this unit so it is important to do the lessons in order. Weeks 13-24 are all on the topic of the Candy and how it is made, so students can take a deep dive into the content and the tech skills.

    Save 10% with the set